

Is it healthy to eat fresh garlic?

Garlic is an irritant ingredient. If it is cooked, it will not taste so strong. However, many people can’t swallow it raw, and it will cause a strong irritant smell in their mouth. Therefore, many people do not like it raw. In fact, eating raw garlic has certain benefits, mainly because garlic can prevent cancer, sterilize and disinfect, and has a great role in cleaning up bacteria and viruses in the stomach and intestines.
Very good, allicin is a natural anti-cancer element, which can be sterilized to prevent epidemic diseases.
Eating garlic often is very beneficial to human health. First of all, garlic contains protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is a rare health medicine. Eating often can promote appetite, help digestion and eliminate meat stagnation.
Fresh garlic contains a substance called allicin, which is a kind of plant bactericide with good efficacy, low toxicity and broad antibacterial spectrum. The experiment shows that garlic juice can kill all bacteria in the culture medium in three minutes. Eating garlic often can kill many kinds of harmful bacteria in the mouth. It has obvious effect on the prevention of respiratory diseases such as cold, tracheitis, pertussis, pulmonary tuberculosis and meningitis.
Secondly, garlic and vitamin B1 can synthesize a substance called allicin, which can promote the conversion of glucose into brain energy and make brain cells more active. Therefore, on the premise of adequate glucose supply, people can often eat some garlic, which can enhance their intelligence and voice.
Third, eating garlic often can not prevent atherosclerosis, reduce cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure. Some people have made clinical observations on this, and the results show that the significant efficiency of garlic consumption in reducing human serum total cholesterol is 40.1%; The total effective rate was 61.05%, and the markedly effective rate of reducing serum triacylglycerol was 50.6%; The total effective rate was 75.3%. It can be seen that garlic has a very significant effect on lowering cholesterol and fat.
Finally, garlic has a rare advantage, that is, its anti-cancer effect. The fat soluble volatile oil and other effective ingredients in garlic can enhance the activity of macrophages, thereby strengthening the immune function of the body and enhancing the role of immune surveillance. It can eliminate the mutant cells in the body in time to prevent cancer. The experiment shows that garlic can inhibit the growth of nitrate reducing bacteria, reduce the content of nitrite in the stomach, and significantly inhibit gastric cancer.
Although garlic has many advantages above, you should not eat too much. 3~5 pieces per meal to avoid stomach irritation. Especially for patients with gastric ulcer soup, it is better to eat less or not.

Post time: Nov-23-2022