

Process of garlic powder

1、 Garlic with withered leaves and straw, large head, white meat, no disease and insect pests, and no mechanical damage shall be selected as raw materials, and garlic with small head, disease and insect pests or mechanical damage shall be removed.

2、 Soak the selected garlic, wash it with clean water, peel it and divide it into sections, then soak it in cold water for about 1 hour, rub off the skin, pick up the garlic, and drain the remaining water.

3、 Beating: Put the drained garlic cloves into a beater or grinder for crushing and beating. When beating, add 1/3 of the purified water to the garlic cloves; After beating, filter the slurry with coarse gauze to remove residual leather clothes and other sundries.

4、 There are several ways to dehydrate it: 1. Use a fine cloth to press it like pressing tofu to remove water; 2. The water can be removed by squeezing with an oil press; 3. Centrifuge for sugar making can be used to remove water at a speed of about 12000 revolutions per minute. However, the general requirement is to remove the moisture quickly at one time without delaying the time, so as to prevent the flavor of garlic paste from changing and affecting the quality. At the same time, the tools must be washed immediately after use to avoid peculiar smell in the next use.

5、 Drying: Spread the dehydrated wet garlic powder on the baking pan immediately, and then put the baking pan into the baking room for baking. The drying room shall be kept at a constant temperature of about 50 ℃ for about 5 hours, and the garlic shall be dried until it can be ground into flour by hand.

6、 Crush: Crush the dried garlic powder with a pulverizer while it is hot, and sieve it with a fine sieve to make the garlic powder even in the form of fine flour powder, which is the finished garlic powder.

7、 After the packaged garlic powder passes the inspection, add dried ginger, dried tangerine peel, Chinese prickly ash, big materials, osmanthus, cumin, etc. in the specified proportion. After mixing evenly, directly put it into the food plastic bag or moisture-proof kraft paper bag printed with the trademark, product name, factory name, factory address, etc. After being sealed tightly, put it into the box, which is the mixed seasoned garlic powder required by foreign investors.

Post time: Jan-04-2023